WCA - Paris 2024 

Post Congress News

This newsletter relates to the World Congress of Audiology (WCA) held in Paris from 19 – 22 September 2024.

More than 2,000 delegates attended Paris making it the largest WCA ever. The global scientific program, networking opportunities and Gala evening were amazing.

Our sincere congratulations to Professor Hung Thai Van and his team. They have worked tirelessly over many years to make this WCA a resounding success.

2024 - 2026
ISA Executive Committee

Louise Hickson and the executive team wish to thank those members that served on the previous committee including Professor George Tavartkiladze (member of the exco for more than 20 years and Secretary General for the past 12), Professor Kurt Stephan (immediate past President) and member of the board for the past 10 years, Professor Suzanne Purdy (representing members at large for the Asia / Western Pacific), and Professor Ariane Laplante-Lévesque (representing members at large for Africa / Middle East and Europe).

General Assembly

The 2024 ISA General Assembly was held on Friday 20 September during the WCA Congress in Paris at 1800 hours in the Dragonnier 3 room attended by 122 delegates of which more than half were ISA members.The presentation pack is available by clicking on the link below:

Affiliate Society Meeting

Vinaya Manchaiah welcomed fifty-two (52) delegates (a record number) to the Affiliate Society meeting. Delegates introduced themselves by identifying their associations logo which was displayed on the screen. Vinaya explained the membership criteria and types before moving onto the Global Audiology project. Several recommendations were received from the floor which will be discussed at the next ISA exco meeting. Minutes of the meeting will be circulated during October.

Student Scholarships

The six student scholarship awardees will remember their Paris experience for years to come. They were given an opportunity to present their work to a Global Audience, networked with subject matter experts and attended the General Assembly where they received certificates and recognition.  

The awardees included Alicia Gudkar from Melbourne, Fatma Betul Kula from Manchester, Jeon Gyunsik from Hallym, Loonan Chauvette from Laval, Sarah Sadi Laval and Shangqiguo Wang from Hong Kong. Congratulations to one and all. Images of the recipients are included in the GA slide pack 

The awardees are invited to present their work via the ISA Zoom platform before the end of this year. Watch out for further details.

French and ISA organizing commitees

ISA Stand

The ISA stand was set up to welcome existing members, attract new members, provide information on Affiliate organizations, encourage delegates to enter a competition and to market the 2026 WCA.

ISA members were identified by a special colour on the delegate’s name badge which assisted those manning the stand to personalise the conversation.

Several new members registered at the WCA as full members while 3 delegates representing professional organizations indicated their intent to become Affiliates.

Winner of the iPhone - Sarah Sadi receiving iPhone from ISA Community Manager George Dempster


Delegates were encouraged to enter a competition to win an iPhone by sending an e-mail with their primary reason to be or become an ISA member. The results were as follows: 31% -  selected networking as the primary reason to join the ISA
28%  - selected access to the International Journal of Audiology 
15% -  selected reduced fees to attend the WCA
12% -  selected ISA’s support of the World Health Organization 
   9% -  selected participating in ISA webinars
    5% - selected receiving ISA newsletters.

Special Membership Offer

To celebrate the 2024 World Congress all new and existing members that join or renew their membership during September 2024 will receive additional membership: Pay $75 for 12 months – receive 15 months. This equates to $5 USD per month. Pay $110 for 24 months – receive 30 months. This equates to $3.66 USD per month and will enable you to register for the 2026 WCA at the reduced rate.

WCA Presentations

The sessions presented in the Amphitheatre including Aram Glorig were recorded and will be made available to the ISA membership. Details will be provided during October 2024. 

WCA Gallery

A small collection of photographs are currently available. The 280 plus ISA delegates that attended the WCA are encouraged to send one or two photos for inclusion in the gallery by e-mailing gd@e2.co.zaClick here to view the Gallery

WCA 2026

The 37th World Congress of Audiology takes place at the Coex centre, Seoul, Korea from 24- 27 May 2026 with Broadening the Horizon of Audiology as the theme.

The WCA 2026 President Professor Jong Woo Chung and the Co- President Professor Jinsook Kim, plus a 50 strong delegation attended the WCA in Paris. Cape Town set a new standard in 2018, Paris raised the bar, Seoul is determined to offer a unique once in a lifetime experience.

Click here to visit the 2026 website